• +86-18025364779
  • olian@szolian.com

年度归档 2019

ACF machine

ACF Machine

ACF machine ,it may press the IC/FPC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time. also some machine use the Solder paste as the medium.

bonding machine

It has pulse heat bonding machine and constant temperature bonding machine.

The machine may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process.

The Machine is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.It is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

What is ACF bonding?

During ACF bonding, a combination of heat & pressure is applied on to chip (FPC/IC) for an appropriate time.

Conductive particles (each 3~30um) are compressed between IC and substrate (glass / PCB) while insulating materials pushed away.

This allows the compressed Ni-Au layer on the particles to conduct electricity between the IC and the substrates (z-axis).

The insulated particles are distributed with a minimum chance of electrical shorting in the x-axis and y-axis.

As the epoxy cures and conductive particles are trapped into permanent compressed form.

The compressed particles, by its elastic nature, are constantly pushing outwards to maintain good electrical conductivity under different environmental conditions.

ACF machine Applications

ACF machine has for many years, been used in glass display applications. Recently, it is also becoming widely used in TAB,COG,FOG,FOB,FOF,COF,COB areas.

– TAB Bonding (TCP-PCB / TCP-LCD)

– COG Bonding (IC-LCD)

– COB Bonding (IC-PCB)

– COF Bonding (COF-LCD/PCB)

– FOG Bonding(FPC-LCD)

– FOB Bonding(FPC-PCB)

– FOF Bonding(FPC-FPC)

– Plasma Display (FPC-PDP)

– Flip Chip Package

– ……


  • Heat cure
  • Fast bonding time
  • High adhesion to plastic PET,COF & FPC, substrate
  • Excellent thermal stability
  • Good contact resistance for reliability
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Good for wide bonding temperature range
  • Replaces solder for lead-free solution

Because of many advantages and features ,the machine is becoming more and more popular and useful.

Shenzhen Olian-ACF Machine Factory


一,ACF Bonding Machine 热压机(邦定机)


热压机是一种将两个预先上好助焊剂镀锡(ACF导电胶)的零件加热到足以使焊锡(ACF导电胶)熔化、流动的温度,固化后,在零件与焊锡(ACF导电胶)之间形成一个永久的电气机械连接设备。应不同产品,升温速度可供挑选。热压头确保温度平均,升温快速及使用寿命特长。压头特别采用水平可调设计,以确保组件受压平均。 温度数控化,清楚精密。备有数字式压力计,可预设压力范围。

热压机又称为邦定机 。根据热压的媒介不同,可以分为锡焊,ACF(异向导电胶带),ACP(异向导电胶水),TBF(热熔胶膜)。适用于FPC(柔性线路板),HSC(斑马纸),TAB与LCD及PCB的连接。 由于消费类电子产品中PCB或FPC的Pitch趋于细小化,传统锡焊工艺已经难以满足极细热压的要求。ACF制程已逐步被手机设计商所应用。

2.热压机 特点:


3.热压机 分类:


4.热压机  使用领域:

1.手机厂商,2电视机厂商,3.触摸屏厂商,4.电脑,5.LCD/LED/OLED等显示屏生产维修厂商 , 5.打印机 , 6.薄膜开关等

Bonding machine
Bonding machine

二,恒温热压机 (ACF Constant Temperature Bonding machine)



其主要功能是对液晶面板上ITO与ACF、FPC之间进行一种机械电子连接。随着这几年国内LCD行业的迅速发展,与其相关的设备产业也同样发展迅速,目前恒温热压机主要生产厂家聚集在深圳宝安。 恒温热压机属于电子制造设备的分支半导体设备,因此设备的精密度要求较高,一般都配备了视觉系统,设备设计一般禁止产生油污等污染空气的成分,所以一般配件使用气缸,精密线性滑轨等,而提供气源的空气机则选用无油空气机。一则有利于设备的寿命,二则对不会对工作的环境产生很大的油污粒子。







FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine
FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine

三, ACF Pulse Heat Bonding Machine 脉冲热压机

1.脉冲热压机 (ACF Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 介绍

ACF Pulse Heat Bonding Machine, it use the pulse transformer to give a large current and low voltage to give high heat to the press head to bonding the COF/FPC on to the glass/PCB/FPC..


2.脉冲热压机 (ACF Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作原理

脉冲热压机通过在热压头上加载一定的脉冲电压,热压头发热,将与此相连接的物体升温,当温度升到焊锡熔点后(即升到事先设定的温度后),将与此相连的物体间锡(ACF导电粒子)熔融并将其连接在一起. 一般的脉冲热压机使用温度闭环的控制。

3.脉冲热压机 (ACF Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作特点


9、工作台运用千分尺调节X,Y,Z, θ轴微调定位
10、适用各种手机触膜和显示排线,COF屏热压邦定, 11、排线,平台可根据产品设计专用的定位模具,并配备真空吸附,保证良率

4.脉冲热压机 (ACF Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 适用范围

脉冲热压机应用于手机厂商,电视机厂商,触摸屏厂商 ,电脑 ,平板,打印机等等厂家,



四,深圳欧联公司介绍– ACF Machine factory.

深圳市欧联自动化设备有限公司,专注 FPD 平板显示、3C 领域自动化装备自动化设备的研发、制造、销售及服务于一体的国家级高新技术生产企业。先后获得国家级高新技术企业及多项研发专利及著作权。目前公司拥有近五十人专业研发、生产管理、品质管理、售后服务专业团队,公司设有精密 CNC 机加中心(精密 CNC、车床、铣床、磨床、二次元等生产设备),具备从产品设计到生产加工的整体制造能力。自成立以来,以精湛的技术、优质的品质、高效的售后服务于客户,现已成为业内知名的 LCM 整线自动化设备解决方案商。

Shenzhen Olian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech manufacturing enterprise focusing on RPD flat panel display, 3C field automation equipment automation equipment research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. Olian has won state-level high-tech enterprises and a number of research and development patents and copyrights. At present, Olian has nearly 50 professional R & D, production management, quality management, after-sales service professional team, Olian has a precision CNC machine plus center (precision CNC, lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, two yuan and other production equipment), with product design To the overall manufacturing capacity of production and processing. Since its establishment, Olian has become a well-known LCM complete line automation equipment solution provider in the industry with its exquisite technology, high quality and efficient after-sales service.

现有产品主要包括:ACF 贴附系列、Plasma 端子清洗系列、单颗及多边多颗 COG/COF 邦定系列、单段及单边多段 FOG/FOF 邦定(恒温/脉冲)系列、OGS/On Cell/In Cell 热压系列、OLB 邦定系列,COF 冲裁各类非标设备以及智能化工厂整体解决方案等。

公司拥有国内最早研发 FPD 平板显示领域设备的资深技术团队。为让技术一直创新并突破,我们与浙江大学深圳研究院建立了长期专项合作,研发并取得了多项关键技术的突破性成果。目前公司产品主要应用在全面屏、OLED、LCM、BLU 等多个领域。现与创维集团、帝晶光电、重庆中光电、深圳国显、天山微电子、立德通讯、中光电科技、亚世光电、中山国信通、拓佳、科森光电、闻太、德景、福瑞达、光弘等国内外两百多家知名企业建立起了长期友好的合作关系。产品覆盖广东、广西、江苏、浙江、江西、辽宁、湖南、湖北、福建、重庆等全国 20 多个省市。






关键词:热压机,脉冲热压机(邦定机),恒温热压机(邦定机),排线热压机,COF热压机,COF邦定机,FPC热压机,, FPC邦定机,FPC 脉冲热压机,手机排线热压机,银行U盾热压机, 斑马纸热压机,脉冲焊接机,ACF热压机,FOG热压机,FOB 热压机,FOF热压机,压排机,软排线热压机,绿排邦定机,液晶屏绑定机,COG热压机,



1.ACF贴附机 ACF attaching machine

ACF贴附机,ACF粘贴机,ACF贴胶机,玻璃端ACF贴附,IC端ACF贴附,PCB端ACF贴附,多段ACF贴胶机,多工位ACF邦定机,PCB ACF邦定机,大尺寸ACF贴胶机,600长ACF邦定机

ACF Attaching machine
ACF Attaching machine,OL-A003
ACF贴附机 大尺寸ACF贴附, OL-A022


2.1 COG预压机,半自动高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,ic绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机,COF预压机,高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,IC绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机, COF预压机 .

COG/COF Bonder
COG/COF pre-Bonder OL-COF003
COG预压机 OL-C003
高速COF预压机,High speed COF pre-bonding machine
高速COG预压机 OL-C005
COG 高速预压机
COG 高速预压机 OL-CB003

2.2 COG本压机,伺服本压机,OLED本压机,OLED热压机,COG本压机,IC本压机,OLED本压良率高机器,COF本压机,三头本压机,高速COG,COG本压机,本压机,COF本压机

伺服高端COG/COF本压机 OL-C012
伺服高端COG本压机 OL-C008
三头本压机 OL-C006

3.排线热压机-恒温热压机,脉冲热压机ACF Bonding Machine

3.1 恒温热压机 ,恒温压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,,OGS邦定机,毛毛虫热压机  , 上下加热FOG热压机,三工位本压机,三头FPC邦定,国产苹果热压机 , 单工位脉冲机,上下对位热压机,压排机,FOG热压机,FOG邦定,手机维修机 , 单工位下对位FOG,苹果三星压排机,热压机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
FPC bonder
FPC bonder

3.2.脉冲热压机ACF Pulse Heat Bonding Machine,脉冲压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,OLED邦定机,OLED本压机,ON-CELL热压机,斑马纸热压机,高清晰邦定机,FPC邦定,ONCELL,OLED产品, 转盘脉冲机,脉冲机,脉冲热压机,高精度热压机 , 万能热压机,万能排线邦定机,单工位压排机 , 上下对位脉冲机,脉冲邦定机,脉冲热压机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

4.液晶电视维修机,液晶电视返修设备,大尺寸OLB设备,液晶屏返修机,COF邦定机, COF本压,PCB半自动预本压机 ,脉冲热压机ACF Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

COF bonder 双头液晶电视COF邦定机
单头COF邦定机 液晶电视维修设备 OL-FPD85


Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
COF cutting machine

6.显微镜,金相显微镜,微分干涉显微镜, 等离子清洗机, IC拆解机 

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine


Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

8.COF屏/柔性屏/OLED屏/曲面屏/FOF邦定机 整套邦定生产方案

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine


Shenzhen Olian, professional in ACF machine over 10 years. Welcome you visit us any time. Thank you .

bonding machines

Bonding machine

Bonding Machine

Bonding machine ,it may press the IC/FPC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time. also some use the Solder paste as the medium.

bonding machine

It has pulse heat and constant temperature machines.

The machine may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the pressing process.

The Machine is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.It is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

bonding machine
bonding machine

What is ACF Bonding?

During ACF bonding, a combination of heat & pressure is applied on to chip (FPC/IC) for an appropriate time.

Conductive particles (each 3~30um) are compressed between IC and substrate (glass / PCB) while insulating materials pushed away.

This allows the compressed Ni-Au layer on the particles to conduct electricity between the IC and the substrates (z-axis).

The insulated particles are distributed with a minimum chance of electrical shorting in the x-axis and y-axis.

As the epoxy cures and conductive particles are trapped into permanent compressed form.

The compressed particles, by its elastic nature, are constantly pushing outwards to maintain good electrical conductivity under different environmental conditions.


ACF has for many years, been used in glass display applications. Recently, it is also becoming widely used in TAB,COG,FOG,FOB,FOF,COF,COB areas.

– TAB Bonding (TCP-PCB / TCP-LCD)

– COG Bonding (IC-LCD)

– COB Bonding (IC-PCB)

– COF Bonding (COF-LCD/PCB)

– FOG Bonding(FPC-LCD)

– FOB Bonding(FPC-PCB)

– FOF Bonding(FPC-FPC)

– Plasma Display (FPC-PDP)

– Flip Chip Package

– ……


  • Heat cure
  • Fast bonding time
  • High adhesion to plastic PET,COF & FPC, substrate
  • Excellent thermal stability
  • Good contact resistance for reliability
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Good for wide bonding temperature range
  • Replaces solder for lead-free solution

Because of many advantages and features ,the machine is becoming more and more popular and useful.

Shenzhen Olian-Bonding Machines Factory

Shenzhen Olian, specializing in the production of pulse hot press, constant temperature hot press, FPC/FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine, ACF attaching machines, IC/CHIP/COG/COF pre-bonding equipments, COG/COF main-bonding equipments, COF cutting machines, LCD TV repair equipment OLB/TAB/PCB/TCP, microscope, plasma cleaning machines, COF punching machines, LCD screen production and maintenance supplies machines parts and other accessoreis one-stop services.


一,Hot press Bonding Machine press 热压机(邦定机)

Bonding machine introduction:

The bonding machine is a method of heating two parts of the pre-good flux tin-plated (ACF conductive paste) enough to melt and flow the solder (ACF conductive paste), after curing, in parts and solder (ACF conductive paste) ) form a permanent electrical and mechanical connection device. Should be different products, the heating rate can be selected. The hot head ensures an average temperature, fast temperature rise and long service life. The indenter is specially designed with a horizontal adjustment to ensure that the components are pressure averaged. The temperature is numerically controlled and clear and precise. A digital pressure gauge is available to preset the pressure range.

The hot press machine is also known as the bonding machine . According to different media of hot pressing, it can be divided into soldering, ACF (asymmetrical conductive tape), ACP (anisotropic conductive glue), and TBF (hot melt adhesive film). Suitable for FPC (flexible circuit board), HSC (zebra paper), TAB and LCD and PCB connection. Since the Pitch of PCB or FPC in consumer electronics tends to be small, the conventional soldering process has been difficult to meet the requirements of extremely fine hot pressing. The ACF process has been gradually applied by mobile phone designers.


1.Pulse hot press uses pulse heating technology, temperature control is accurate, temperature sampling frequency is 0.1s. Constant temperature heating method, the temperature is constant after the temperature is raised to the preset temperature. 2. Diversified working modes such as single working platform, rotating working platform, and left and right mobile platforms. 3, multi-stage heating control. 4. Real-time temperature curve display. 5, silicone with indexing mechanism. 6, CCD vision system, providing accurate alignment. 7, large-capacity programs are pre-stored. 8, touch operation interface, program password protection.

Bonding machines classification:

Constant temperature , pulse hot press , double station machines, desktop machines, vertical bonding machines, etc.

Bonding machine field:

1.Mobile phone manufacturers, 2 TV manufacturers, 3. Touch screen manufacturers, 4. Computers, 5.LCD/LED/OLED display manufacturers, 5. Printers, 6. Membrane switches, etc.


热压机是一种将两个预先上好助焊剂镀锡(ACF导电胶)的零件加热到足以使焊锡(ACF导电胶)熔化、流动的温度,固化后,在零件与焊锡(ACF导电胶)之间形成一个永久的电气机械连接设备。应不同产品,升温速度可供挑选。热压头确保温度平均,升温快速及使用寿命特长。压头特别采用水平可调设计,以确保组件受压平均。 温度数控化,清楚精密。备有数字式压力计,可预设压力范围。

热压机又称为邦定机 。根据热压的媒介不同,可以分为锡焊,ACF(异向导电胶带),ACP(异向导电胶水),TBF(热熔胶膜)。适用于FPC(柔性线路板),HSC(斑马纸),TAB与LCD及PCB的连接。 由于消费类电子产品中PCB或FPC的Pitch趋于细小化,传统锡焊工艺已经难以满足极细热压的要求。ACF制程已逐步被手机设计商所应用。

2.热压机 特点:


3.热压机 分类:


4.热压机  使用领域:

1.手机厂商,2电视机厂商,3.触摸屏厂商,4.电脑,5.LCD/LED/OLED等显示屏生产维修厂商 , 5.打印机 , 6.薄膜开关等

Bonding machine
Bonding machine

二,恒温热压机 (Constant Temperature Bonding machine)



其主要功能是对液晶面板上ITO与ACF、FPC之间进行一种机械电子连接。随着这几年国内LCD行业的迅速发展,与其相关的设备产业也同样发展迅速,目前恒温热压机主要生产厂家聚集在深圳宝安。 恒温热压机属于电子制造设备的分支半导体设备,因此设备的精密度要求较高,一般都配备了视觉系统,设备设计一般禁止产生油污等污染空气的成分,所以一般配件使用气缸,精密线性滑轨等,而提供气源的空气机则选用无油空气机。一则有利于设备的寿命,二则对不会对工作的环境产生很大的油污粒子。







FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine
FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine

三, Pulse Heat Bonding Machine 脉冲热压机

1.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 介绍

Pulse Heat Bonding Machine, it use the pulse transformer to give a large current and low voltage to give high heat to the press head to bonding the COF/FPC on to the glass/PCB/FPC..


2.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作原理

脉冲热压机通过在热压头上加载一定的脉冲电压,热压头发热,将与此相连接的物体升温,当温度升到焊锡熔点后(即升到事先设定的温度后),将与此相连的物体间锡(ACF导电粒子)熔融并将其连接在一起. 一般的脉冲热压机使用温度闭环的控制。

3.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作特点


9、工作台运用千分尺调节X,Y,Z, θ轴微调定位
10、适用各种手机触膜和显示排线,COF屏热压邦定, 11、排线,平台可根据产品设计专用的定位模具,并配备真空吸附,保证良率

4.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 适用范围

脉冲热压机应用于手机厂商,电视机厂商,触摸屏厂商 ,电脑 ,平板,打印机等等厂家,



四,深圳欧联公司介绍– Pulse Heat Bonding Machine factory.

深圳市欧联自动化设备有限公司,专注 FPD 平板显示、3C 领域自动化装备自动化设备的研发、制造、销售及服务于一体的国家级高新技术生产企业。先后获得国家级高新技术企业及多项研发专利及著作权。目前公司拥有近五十人专业研发、生产管理、品质管理、售后服务专业团队,公司设有精密 CNC 机加中心(精密 CNC、车床、铣床、磨床、二次元等生产设备),具备从产品设计到生产加工的整体制造能力。自成立以来,以精湛的技术、优质的品质、高效的售后服务于客户,现已成为业内知名的 LCM 整线自动化设备解决方案商。

Shenzhen Olian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech manufacturing enterprise focusing on RPD flat panel display, 3C field automation equipment automation equipment research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. Olian has won state-level high-tech enterprises and a number of research and development patents and copyrights. At present, Olian has nearly 50 professional R & D, production management, quality management, after-sales service professional team, Olian has a precision CNC machine plus center (precision CNC, lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, two yuan and other production equipment), with product design To the overall manufacturing capacity of production and processing. Since its establishment, Olian has become a well-known LCM complete line automation equipment solution provider in the industry with its exquisite technology, high quality and efficient after-sales service.


ACF 贴附系列、Plasma 端子清洗系列、单颗及多边多颗 COG/COF 邦定系列、单段及单边多段 FOG/FOF 邦定(恒温/脉冲)系列、OGS/On Cell/In Cell 热压系列、OLB 邦定系列,COF 冲裁各类非标设备以及智能化工厂整体解决方案等。

Existing products mainly include: ACF attach series, Plasma terminal cleaning series, single and multilateral COG/COF bonding series, single-stage and single-sided multi-stage FOG/FOF bonding (constant/pulse) series, OGS/On Cell/In Cell hot press bonding series, OLB bonding series, COF punching and all kinds of non-standard equipment and intelligent factory overall solutions.

bonding machine factory
bonding machine factory

公司拥有国内最早研发 FPD 平板显示领域设备的资深技术团队。为让技术一直创新并突破,我们与浙江大学深圳研究院建立了长期专项合作,研发并取得了多项关键技术的突破性成果。目前公司产品主要应用在全面屏、OLED、LCM、BLU 等多个领域。现与创维集团、帝晶光电、重庆中光电、深圳国显、天山微电子、立德通讯、中光电科技、亚世光电、中山国信通、拓佳、科森光电、闻太、德景、福瑞达、光弘等国内外两百多家知名企业建立起了长期友好的合作关系。产品覆盖广东、广西、江苏、浙江、江西、辽宁、湖南、湖北、福建、重庆等全国 20 多个省市。

SHENZHEN OLIAN has the earliest domestic technical team to develop equipment in the field of FPD flat panel display. In order to make technology always innovate and break through, we have established long-term special cooperation with Zhejiang University Shenzhen Research Institute, and have developed and achieved breakthrough results in a number of key technologies. At present, the company’s products are mainly used in multiple fields such as full screen, OLED, LCM, and BLU. Now with Skyworth Group, Dijing Optoelectronics, Chongqing Zhongguang, Shenzhen Guoxian, Tianshan Microelectronics, Lide Communications, China Optoelectronics Technology, Yashi Optoelectronics, Zhongshan Guoxintong, Tuojia, Kesen Optoelectronics, Wentai, Dejing, More than 200 well-known companies at home and abroad such as Freda and Guanghong have established long-term friendly cooperative relations. Products cover more than 20 provinces and cities in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Chongqing and other countries.







关键词:热压机,脉冲热压机(邦定机),恒温热压机(邦定机),排线热压机,COF热压机,COF邦定机,FPC热压机,, FPC邦定机,FPC 脉冲热压机,手机排线热压机,银行U盾热压机, 斑马纸热压机,脉冲焊接机,ACF热压机,FOG热压机,FOB 热压机,FOF热压机,压排机,软排线热压机,绿排邦定机,液晶屏绑定机,COG热压机,

五,(Shenzhen Olian Main products)深圳欧联主要产品


1.ACF attaching machine, ACF贴附机

ACF attaching machine, ACF贴附机,ACF粘贴机,ACF贴胶机,玻璃端ACF贴附,IC端ACF贴附,PCB端ACF贴附,多段ACF贴胶机,多工位ACF邦定机,PCB ACF邦定机,大尺寸ACF贴胶机,600长ACF邦定机

ACF Attaching machine
ACF Attaching machine,OL-A003
ACF贴附机 大尺寸ACF贴附, OL-A022

2.IC/COF/COG/COF prebonding machine, COG/COF mainbonding, IC/COF邦定机、COG/COF预压机,COG/COF 本压机

2.1 IC/COF pre-bonding machine,

COG预压机,半自动高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,ic绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机,COF预压机,高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,IC绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机, COF预压机 .

COG/COF Bonder
COG/COF pre-Bonder OL-COF003
COG预压机 OL-C003
高速COG预压机 OL-C005
COG 高速预压机
COG 高速预压机 OL-CB003
2.2 COG main bonding machine,


伺服高端COG/COF本压机 OL-C012
伺服高端COG本压机 OL-C008
三头本压机 OL-C006

3.FPC bonding machine, 排线热压机-恒温热压机,脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

3.1 Constant temperature bonding machine,

恒温热压机 ,恒温压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,,OGS邦定机,毛毛虫热压机  , 上下加热FOG热压机,三工位本压机,三头FPC邦定,国产苹果热压机 , 单工位脉冲机,上下对位热压机,压排机,FOG热压机,FOG邦定,手机维修机 , 单工位下对位FOG,苹果三星压排机,热压机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
FPC bonder
FPC bonder
3.2.Pulse Heat Bonding Machine,

Pulse Pressing Machine,

脉冲热压机,脉冲压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,OLED邦定机,OLED本压机,ON-CELL热压机,斑马纸热压机,高清晰邦定机,FPC邦定,ONCELL,OLED产品, 转盘脉冲机,脉冲机,脉冲热压机,高精度热压机 , 万能热压机,万能排线邦定机,单工位压排机 , 上下对位脉冲机,脉冲邦定机,脉冲热压机

bonding machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

4.LCD TV repair machine,

LCD TV repair equipment, large size OLB bonding equipment, LCD screen repair machine, COF bonding machine,

液晶电视维修机,液晶电视返修设备,大尺寸OLB设备,液晶屏返修机,COF邦定机, COF本压,PCB半自动预本压机 ,脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

COF bonder
COF bonder 双头液晶电视COF邦定机
单头COF邦定机 液晶电视维修设备 OL-FPD85

5.COF punching machine, cof cutting machine, COF冲裁机,COF冲切机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

6.Microscope, metallographic microscope, differential interference microscope, plasma cleaner, IC disassembler, etc.显微镜,金相显微镜,微分干涉显微镜, 等离子清洗机, IC拆解机 

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

7.Various consumables accessories, thermometer, pressure gauge, CCD, lens, bonding head, quartz strip, COF cutting tool, ACF tape, Teflon, silicone skin, backlight strip, tester, ACF removal solution, blue glue, Alcohol, electrostatic cloth and other consumables, 各种耗材,测温仪,测压仪,CCD,镜头,压头,石英条,COF裁切刀,ACF胶带,铁氟龙,硅胶皮,背光条,测试仪,ACF去除液,蓝胶,酒精,静电布等耗材

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

8.COF screen / flexible screen / OLED screen / curved screen / FOF bonding machine one stop solution..COF屏/柔性屏/OLED屏/曲面屏/FOF邦定机 整套邦定生产方案

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine


Shenzhen Olian, professional in Bonding machine over 10 years. Welcome you visit us any time. Thank you .

pulse heat bonding machine

Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

Pulse Heat Bonding Machine, it use the pulse transformer to give a large current and low voltage to give high heat to the press head to bonding the COF/FPC on to the glass/PCB/FPC..

深圳欧联,专业生产脉冲热压机 Pulse Heat Bonding Machine,恒温热压机Constant Temperature Bonding Machine,FPC/FOG/FOB/FOF邦定机热压机,ACF贴附机,IC/CHIP/COG/COF预压机,COG/COF本压机,COF裁切机,液晶电视维修设备OLB/TAB/PCB/TCP,显微镜,等离子清洗机,COF冲切机,液晶屏生产维修耗材机器零配件等一站式服务。

一,Bonding Machine 热压机(邦定机)

1.热压机(Bonding machine)介绍:

热压机是一种将两个预先上好助焊剂镀锡(ACF导电胶)的零件加热到足以使焊锡(ACF导电胶)熔化、流动的温度,固化后,在零件与焊锡(ACF导电胶)之间形成一个永久的电气机械连接设备。应不同产品,升温速度可供挑选。热压头确保温度平均,升温快速及使用寿命特长。压头特别采用水平可调设计,以确保组件受压平均。 温度数控化,清楚精密。备有数字式压力计,可预设压力范围。

热压机又称为邦定机 。根据热压的媒介不同,可以分为锡焊,ACF(异向导电胶带),ACP(异向导电胶水),TBF(热熔胶膜)。适用于FPC(柔性线路板),HSC(斑马纸),TAB与LCD及PCB的连接。 由于消费类电子产品中PCB或FPC的Pitch趋于细小化,传统锡焊工艺已经难以满足极细热压的要求。ACF制程已逐步被手机设计商所应用。

2.热压机 (Bonding machine) 特点:


3.热压机 (Bonding machine) 分类:


4.热压机 (Bonding machine) 使用领域:

1.手机厂商,2电视机厂商,3.触摸屏厂商,4.电脑,5.LCD/LED/OLED等显示屏生产维修厂商 , 5.打印机 , 6.薄膜开关等

Bonding machine
Bonding machine

二,恒温热压机 (Constant Temperature Bonding machine)



其主要功能是对液晶面板上ITO与ACF、FPC之间进行一种机械电子连接。随着这几年国内LCD行业的迅速发展,与其相关的设备产业也同样发展迅速,目前恒温热压机主要生产厂家聚集在深圳宝安。 恒温热压机属于电子制造设备的分支半导体设备,因此设备的精密度要求较高,一般都配备了视觉系统,设备设计一般禁止产生油污等污染空气的成分,所以一般配件使用气缸,精密线性滑轨等,而提供气源的空气机则选用无油空气机。一则有利于设备的寿命,二则对不会对工作的环境产生很大的油污粒子。







FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine
FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine

三, Pulse Heat Bonding Machine 脉冲热压机

1.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 介绍


2.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作原理

脉冲热压机通过在热压头上加载一定的脉冲电压,热压头发热,将与此相连接的物体升温,当温度升到焊锡熔点后(即升到事先设定的温度后),将与此相连的物体间锡(ACF导电粒子)熔融并将其连接在一起. 一般的脉冲热压机使用温度闭环的控制。

3.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 工作特点


9、工作台运用千分尺调节X,Y,Z, θ轴微调定位
10、适用各种手机触膜和显示排线,COF屏热压邦定, 11、排线,平台可根据产品设计专用的定位模具,并配备真空吸附,保证良率

4.脉冲热压机 (Pulse Heat Bonding machine) 适用范围

脉冲热压机应用于手机厂商,电视机厂商,触摸屏厂商 ,电脑 ,平板,打印机等等厂家,



四,深圳欧联公司介绍Pulse Heat Bonding Machine factory.

深圳市欧联自动化设备有限公司,专注 FPD 平板显示、3C 领域自动化装备自动化设备的研发、制造、销售及服务于一体的国家级高新技术生产企业。先后获得国家级高新技术企业及多项研发专利及著作权。目前公司拥有近五十人专业研发、生产管理、品质管理、售后服务专业团队,公司设有精密 CNC 机加中心(精密 CNC、车床、铣床、磨床、二次元等生产设备),具备从产品设计到生产加工的整体制造能力。自成立以来,以精湛的技术、优质的品质、高效的售后服务于客户,现已成为业内知名的 LCM 整线自动化设备解决方案商。Shenzhen Olian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech manufacturing enterprise focusing on RPD flat panel display, 3C field automation equipment automation equipment research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. Olian has won state-level high-tech enterprises and a number of research and development patents and copyrights. At present, Olian has nearly 50 professional R & D, production management, quality management, after-sales service professional team, Olian has a precision CNC machine plus center (precision CNC, lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, two yuan and other production equipment), with product design To the overall manufacturing capacity of production and processing. Since its establishment, Olian has become a well-known LCM complete line automation equipment solution provider in the industry with its exquisite technology, high quality and efficient after-sales service.

现有产品主要包括:ACF 贴附系列、Plasma 端子清洗系列、单颗及多边多颗 COG/COF 邦定系列、单段及单边多段 FOG/FOF 邦定(恒温/脉冲)系列、OGS/On Cell/In Cell 热压系列、OLB 邦定系列,COF 冲裁各类非标设备以及智能化工厂整体解决方案等。

bonding machine factory
bonding machine factory

公司拥有国内最早研发 FPD 平板显示领域设备的资深技术团队。为让技术一直创新并突破,我们与浙江大学深圳研究院建立了长期专项合作,研发并取得了多项关键技术的突破性成果。目前公司产品主要应用在全面屏、OLED、LCM、BLU 等多个领域。现与创维集团、帝晶光电、重庆中光电、深圳国显、天山微电子、立德通讯、中光电科技、亚世光电、中山国信通、拓佳、科森光电、闻太、德景、福瑞达、光弘等国内外两百多家知名企业建立起了长期友好的合作关系。产品覆盖广东、广西、江苏、浙江、江西、辽宁、湖南、湖北、福建、重庆等全国 20 多个省市。






关键词:热压机,脉冲热压机(邦定机),恒温热压机(邦定机),排线热压机,COF热压机,COF邦定机,FPC热压机,, FPC邦定机,FPC 脉冲热压机,手机排线热压机,银行U盾热压机, 斑马纸热压机,脉冲焊接机,ACF热压机,FOG热压机,FOB 热压机,FOF热压机,压排机,软排线热压机,绿排邦定机,液晶屏绑定机,COG热压机,



ACF贴附机,ACF粘贴机,ACF贴胶机,玻璃端ACF贴附,IC端ACF贴附,PCB端ACF贴附,多段ACF贴胶机,多工位ACF邦定机,PCB ACF邦定机,大尺寸ACF贴胶机,600长ACF邦定机

ACF Attaching machine
ACF Attaching machine,OL-A003
ACF贴附机 大尺寸ACF贴附, OL-A022

2.IC/COF邦定机、COG/COF预压机,COG/COF 本压机

2.1 COG预压机,半自动高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,ic绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机,COF预压机,高速COG,COG邦定机,预压机,IC绑定机,IC邦定机,IC预压机, COF预压机 .

COG/COF Bonder
COG/COF pre-Bonder OL-COF003
COG预压机 OL-C003
高速COG预压机 OL-C005
COG 高速预压机
COG 高速预压机 OL-CB003

2.2 COG本压机,伺服本压机,OLED本压机,OLED热压机,COG本压机,IC本压机,OLED本压良率高机器,COF本压机,三头本压机,高速COG,COG本压机,本压机,COF本压机

伺服高端COG/COF本压机 OL-C012
伺服高端COG本压机 OL-C008
三头本压机 OL-C006

3.排线热压机-恒温热压机,脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

3.1 恒温热压机 ,恒温压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,,OGS邦定机,毛毛虫热压机  , 上下加热FOG热压机,三工位本压机,三头FPC邦定,国产苹果热压机 , 单工位脉冲机,上下对位热压机,压排机,FOG热压机,FOG邦定,手机维修机 , 单工位下对位FOG,苹果三星压排机,热压机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
FPC bonder
FPC bonder

3.2.脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine,脉冲压排机,FPC邦定机,FOG热压机,FPC热压机,FOG本压机,压排机,三星压排机,苹果压排机,手机屏压屏机,手机屏维修邦定机,OLED邦定机,OLED本压机,ON-CELL热压机,斑马纸热压机,高清晰邦定机,FPC邦定,ONCELL,OLED产品, 转盘脉冲机,脉冲机,脉冲热压机,高精度热压机 , 万能热压机,万能排线邦定机,单工位压排机 , 上下对位脉冲机,脉冲邦定机,脉冲热压机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

4.液晶电视维修机,液晶电视返修设备,大尺寸OLB设备,液晶屏返修机,COF邦定机COF本压,PCB半自动预本压机 ,脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine

COF bonder
COF bonder 双头液晶电视COF邦定机
单头COF邦定机 液晶电视维修设备 OL-FPD85


Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

6.显微镜,金相显微镜,微分干涉显微镜, 等离子清洗机, IC拆解机

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine


Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine
Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

8.COF屏/柔性屏/OLED屏/曲面屏/FOF邦定机 整套邦定生产方案

Pulse Heating Bonding Machine

深圳欧联,专业热压机,脉冲热压机Pulse Heat Bonding Machine,恒温热压机,ACF贴附机,COG/COF预压本压机,全自动,半自动生产设备,欢迎来厂参观打样。


COF bonder

COF bonder/TAB Bonder

COF bonder, also named COF (Chip on Film) machine,COF ic bonding machine, COF(chip on film) bonder ,COF heat bonderCOF bonding machine, COF heat press machine, COF Pulse heat bonder./COF IC boner,COF Driver IC bonder.

It is widely used in the LCD/OLED, LCM/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/camera/ and all the flat and edge screens. for produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

The COF Bonder may consist of HD Digital Microscope and control system, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process. The bonding press head may press the COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC/OLED flexable display, using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time.

Shenzhen Olian is the professional COF bonder manufactury ,we are the LCM Equipment factory solution provider.

COG bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- COG bonder -China COG bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

COF Bonder/ COG Bonder

The machine has Pre-Bonder and Main-Bonder . They are all constant temperature machines. it maybe have single station bonder ,double stations , three stations, and maybe four stations bonder.

COF/COG Pre-Bonder


*Suitable for multi variety small batch production

*Constant temperature heating system

*Panasonic PLC Control system

*FAST Visual processing system

*Imported Japanese CCD Automatic Contraposition Configuration

*Manual / automatic switching

*Imported electrical configuration


COG Pre-Bonder /COF Pre-Bonder, OL-C003B
COG Bonder
COG Pre-Bonder, OL-C008
COG bonder

Model: OL-C003B/C005/C006

Product Name: Semi-Automatic Mid/High-speed COG/COF Pre-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~7 inch

Attach Precision: ±2.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 650pcs/H–1000pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1000W/1200W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 140*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 40*2MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~300℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

N.W: About 300KG/350KG

COG/COF final-Bonder


*PID Control Constant Temp Heating System,Automatic temperature compensation to ensure that the temperature of hot pressing is stable.

*Panasonic PLC Control system.

*Use high precision low-friction cylinder control pressure to ensure the accuracy of pressure control.

*High steel structure set, dual ceramic indenter configuration, to ensure the stability of the equipment.

*Imported electrical configuration,

*For OLED high-end products,high quality,high successful rate。


OL-C006 Triple station semi-auto high speed COG Main-Bonder

Model: CM006

Product Name: 1-12 inch Triple Stations Semi-Automatic High-speed COG main-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~12 inch

Attach Precision: ±4.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 1100pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,2000W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 150*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 45*5MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~400℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

Product Size:L1025*W750*H1400 MM

N.W: About 350KG

LCD bonding machine
Servo COG/COF Final-Bonder , OL-C012
OL-C008 Double Stations Mid-speed Servo COG machine 

Model: OL-C008/OL-C012

Product Name: 1-12 inch Double Stations Semi-Automatic Mid-speed Servo COG main-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~12 inch

Attach Precision: ±4.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 600pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1200W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 150*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 45*5MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~400℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

Product Size:L640*W700*H1320MM

COF bonder for TV Repairing,LCD bonder

COF bonder
COF bonder

COF bonder, also name TAB bonderACF bonderOLB Bonder Chip on Film bonder. COF(Chip on Film, Chip on Flex).COF bonder is widely used in the TV/laptop/pad panel, it is very popular in the TV/laptop repairing for the LCD/LED/OLED panel bonding. For TV or laptop panel repairing COF bonding machine, has COF on glass bonding and COF on PCB board bonding. The COF Bonder also can do COF on flex cable, COF on film bonding, and maybe IC on film bonding. Normal the COF bonder for TV Repairing is Pulse heating bonding machine with Titanium alloy press bonding head.

COF bonder for TV Repairing accessories

Our COF bonder and all the accessories list for TV/laptop panel repairing as below:

COF bonder

We also offer all the accessories: ACF tapes, ACF Remover, Blue glue, Acetone, Alcohol ,Customized bonding head, Quartz glass, Silicone tape, Teflon tape, Microscope, Air Compressor, COF cutter, Cleaning nanosponge, Cleaning clothes wiper, Ear buds, Pump bottles, T-bit, T-rubber, T-Iron, Magnifier lens, Allen key, Precision tweezers, Soldering Stations, Removing Wind Station Hot Air Gun, LEDS,LVDS cables, LCD Test Board, LCD/LED Tester.RT809H programmer, Open cell, Polarizer, Backlight ,T-Con Board, Main-board, IC, TAB COF IC and others.

Please contact us feel free to  purchase the COF bonder for TV Repairing accessories.

COF bonder
COF bonder and accessories

Welcome to buy the COF bonder for TV Repairing and all the COF bonder accessories.

COF Bonder for cellphone

COF bonders for full screen /edge screen/OLED screen mobilephone

COF bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – ACF attaching bonder

ACF bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Pre-bonder

COG bonder
cof bonder
cof bonder
COF Bonder
COF pre-bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Final-bonder

COG bonder

Welcome  you visit us if you do the  OLED edge screen/curved screen/full screen(Huawei Mate10,Mate 20,8X,OPPO/VIVO/MI/Samsung S6 S8 S9/Apple X MAX R etc.) repairing and produce business ,please contact us and test our COF bonder for cellphones.

COF bonder for OLED panel bonding

OLED panel bonding machine, is for AMOLED panel produce and repair machine for TV/Cell phone/Watch/other AMOLED products.  bonding the COFs on the OLED panel and flexible FPCs.

What is OLED?

An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compound that emits light in response to an electric current. This organic layer is situated between two electrodes; typically, at least one of these electrodes is transparent. OLEDs are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors, portable systems such as smartphoneshandheld game consoles and PDAs. A major area of research is the development of white OLED devices for use in solid-state lighting applications.

There are two main families of OLED: those based on small molecules and those employing polymers. Adding mobile ions to an OLED creates a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC) which has a slightly different mode of operation. An OLED display can be driven with a passive-matrix (PMOLED) or active-matrix (AMOLED) control scheme. In the PMOLED scheme, each row (and line) in the display is controlled sequentially, one by one,whereas AMOLED control uses a thin-film transistor backplane to directly access and switch each individual pixel on or off, allowing for higher resolution and larger display sizes.

An OLED display works without a backlight because it emits visible light. Thus, it can display deep black levels and can be thinner and lighter than a liquid crystal display (LCD). In low ambient light conditions (such as a dark room), an OLED screen can achieve a higher contrast ratio than an LCD, regardless of whether the LCD uses cold cathode fluorescent lamps or an LED backlight.

OLED Advantages

The different manufacturing process of OLEDs has several advantages over flat panel displays made with LCD technology.

Lower cost in the future

OLEDs can be printed onto any suitable substrate by an inkjet printer or even by screen printing, theoretically making them cheaper to produce than LCD or plasma displays. However, fabrication of the OLED substrate is currently more costly than that of a TFT LCD. Roll-to-roll vapor-deposition methods for organic devices do allow mass production of thousands of devices per minute for minimal cost; however, this technique also induces problems: devices with multiple layers can be challenging to make because of registration – lining up the different printed layers to the required degree of accuracy.

Lightweight and flexible plastic substrates

OLED displays can be fabricated on flexible plastic substrates, leading to the possible fabrication of flexible organic light-emitting diodes for other new applications, such as roll-up displays embedded in fabrics or clothing. If a substrate like polyethylene terephthalate (PET)can be used, the displays may be produced inexpensively. Furthermore, plastic substrates are shatter-resistant, unlike the glass displays used in LCD devices.

Better picture quality

OLEDs enable a greater contrast ratio and wider viewing angle compared to LCDs, because OLED pixels emit light directly. This also provides a deeper black level, since a black OLED display emits no light. Furthermore, OLED pixel colors appear correct and unshifted, even as the viewing angle approaches 90° from the normal.

Better power efficiency and thickness

LCDs filter the light emitted from a backlight, allowing a small fraction of light through. Thus, they cannot show true black. However, an inactive OLED element does not produce light or consume power, allowing true blacks. Removing the backlight also makes OLEDs lighter because some substrates are not needed. When looking at top-emitting OLEDs, thickness also plays a role when talking about index match layers (IMLs). Emission intensity is enhanced when the IML thickness is 1.3–2.5 nm. The refractive value and the matching of the optical IMLs property, including the device structure parameters, also enhance the emission intensity at these thicknesses.

Response time

OLEDs also have a much faster response time than an LCD. Using response time compensation technologies, the fastest modern LCDs can reach response times as low as 1 msfor their fastest color transition, and are capable of refresh frequencies as high as 240 Hz. According to LG, OLED response times are up to 1,000 times faster than LCD,putting conservative estimates at under 10 μs (0.01 ms), which could theoretically accommodate refresh frequencies approaching 100 kHz (100,000 Hz). Due to their extremely fast response time, OLED displays can also be easily designed to be strobed, creating an effect similar to CRT flicker in order to avoid the sample-and-hold behavior seen on both LCDs and some OLED displays, which creates the perception of motion blur.

All the bonding machines ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(Professional in design&making all kinds of bonding machines)

ic bonder

All the ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/FOF/OLB/TAB/PCB/FPC/TCP/ bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

COG bonder
Shenzhen Olian ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/OLB/FOF/TAB/OGS/PCB/FPC bonder manufactory

Shenzhen Olian ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/OLB/FOF/TAB/OGS/PCB/FPC bonder manufactory. Welcome you to be our partner and dealers all over the world.


FPC Bonder

FPC bonder

FPC bonder, it may press the FPC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time.

It also named FPC Bonding machine,FPC equipment,FPC heat bonder, FPC heat press machine,FPC welding machine,FPC welding tool,FPC soldering machineFPC thermal compression bonding machine,LCD flex cable repair bonding machine,FOG device,FOG tool,FOG bonding machine, wire bondingmachinethermal bonding machineheat bonding machineACF bonder.

FPC Bonder is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/ TV /Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/zebra paper/camera/…produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

The FPC bonder is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to peoduce and repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.

The FPC bonder may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process.

What is FPC?

FPC IS Flexible Printed Circuit,Flexible print circuits (also variously referred to around the globe as flex circuits, flexible printed circuit boards, flex print, flexi-circuits) are members of electronic and interconnection family. They consist of a thin insulating polymer film having conductive circuit patterns affixed thereto and typically supplied with a thin polymer coating to protect the conductor circuits. The technology has been used for interconnecting electronic devices since the 1950s in one form or another. It is now one of the most important interconnection technologies in use for the manufacture of many of today’s most advanced electronic products.

In practice there are many different kinds of flexible circuits, including one metal layer, double sided, multilayer and rigid flex circuits. The circuits can be formed by etching metal foil cladding (normally of copper) from polymer bases, plating metal or printing of conductive inks among other processes. Flexible circuits may or may not have components attached. When components are attached, they are considered by some in the industry to be flexible electronic assemblies.

There are many advantages that come with using flexible circuit technology beyond the initial flex capabilities. Performance advantages, such as, dynamic flexing and increased heat dissipation allow engineers to design these circuits into applications where extreme temperatures and vibrations are common. Other advantages with using flexible circuits include less weight, increased package density, and a more integrated design.Flexible circuits can cost less than traditional assemblies because one flex assembly can replace several, single circuits.

Flex circuits also allow design engineers to utilize space three dimensionally which cuts down on the overall footprint of the circuit and saves space.

Applications of flexible circuits ranges in a variety of fields. Flexible circuits are used in cell phones, LCD televisions, antennas, and laptops. Flexible circuits have evolved and help provide durability and reliability. Flexible circuits are also used in the aviation field. Other applications of flexible circuits are in hearing aids, calculators, cameras, printers, and in satellites.

What is the FOG

FOG is a kind of use in the flat display industry, such as, LCD screen, electronic paper production process, using ACF conductive adhesive as the media through a certain temperature, pressure, time to FPC bonded on the glass.

FOG is the abbreviation FPC ON the GLASS, that is, FPC bonded ON the GLASS of a kind of process.

Shenzhen Olian design and make all kinds of FPC bonder. Welcome you visit us and OEM&OEM FPC/FOB/FOG/FOF bonding machine with us for your factory and your globe trade business.

According to different LCD/LED/OLED and different screens, there are many ACF tapes models for FPC bonder.  ACF tape is the import medium of the bonding process.

FPC bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- FPC bonder -China FPC bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

FPC Bonder(FOB Bonder,FOF Bonder,FOG Bonder)

FPC bonder, Flexible Printed Circuit bonder,also Flex cable bonding machine , has FOG(FPC on glass ) ,FOB(FPC on PCB Board),FOF(FPC on FPC) , It have Pulse Heating Bonder and Constant Temperature Bonder. 

FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine

FPC(FOB/FOG/FOF) bonder specifications:

  1. Model Number:F003/F006/FP003/FP006/FS003/FS006
  2. Product Name:Upper and Down Contraposition movable platform FPC Bonding Machine
  3. Suitable For:Suitable for alignment and press FPC to the LCD Panel glass or PCB or COF which attached ACF film
  4. Size Range:1~12 inch
  5. Attach Precision:±0.015mm
  6. Machine Capacity:6000pcs/day (12S/pc)
  7. Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1200W
  8. Air Supply:0.5~0.7MPa,dry air
  9. Platform Size:L90*W60 MM
  10. Platform Precision:±0.01MM
  11. Temp Range:1~350℃
  12. Time Range:1~99.9sec
  13. Product Size:W850*D800*H1460MM
  14. N.W:About200KG

*Constant temperature heating system/Pulse heating system
*Panasonic PLC Control system
*Human – Machine interface
*Automatic temperature alarm
*Press Head Level Adjustable Device
*Down/UP Contraposition HD Colorful CCD and 10.4~24 inch HD LCD
*Manual / automatic switching
*Imported electrical configuration

* apply for all the LCD,LED,ONCELL,OLED panels.

LCD bonding machine
Servo FOB/FOG bonder, OL-FS003
FPC bonding machine
2 stations Up and down alignment FPC bonder, OL-F006
COF pre-bonder
Pulse heating Doul Stations FOG FOB FOF COF bonder, OL-FP003
FOG/COF bonder
Pulse Heating single station FOG/FOB/FOF/COF Bonder, OL-FDP006

Semi Automatic LCM produce line

LCD bonding machine
High speed produce line 7 sets bonders

Semi Automatic LCM Making produce include: ACF attaching bonder ,COG Bonder(COG pre-bonder, COG final-bonder ), FPC(FOG) bonder, as below:

ACF semi-auto Bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders

Full automatic FPC bonder

Full automatic FPC(FOG) bonder, It include the ACF attaching on the glass, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing..

LCM full automatic produce machine

LCM full automatic bonder include all the process of the COG and FOG bonding : the LCD loading,LCD cleaning, IC loading, IC cleaning,ACF attaching on the glass, IC pre-bonding, IC bonding cheking, and IC main-bonding processes. then the ACF attaching for FPC, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing…

We design and make the standard FPC/FOG/COG/COF/ACF Bonders and customized FPC bonder for your personalized product requirements, also design and manufacture other automation equipment for your requirements, and welcome OEM&ODM machines.

All the FPC bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

FOG Bonder
FPC Bonder
Shenzhen Olian FPC bonder manufactory
FPC bonder
Welcome you visit us -Shenzhen Olian-IC/FPC bonder manufactory

FOG Bonder

FOG bonder

FOG bonder, it may press the FPC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time.it also named FOG machine, FOG equipment, FOG heat bonder, FOG heat press machine, FOG device, FOG tool, FOG bonding machine, ACF bonder. .It is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/ TV /Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/zebra paper/camera/…produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

The FOG bonder is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to peoduce and repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.

The FOG bonder may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process.

According to different LCD/LED/OLED and different screens, there are many ACF tapes models.  ACF tape is the import medium of the bonding process.

ACF bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- ACF bonder -China ACF bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

FOG Bonder,FOB Bonder,FOF Bonder,COF Bonder

FOG bonder, also name FOB bonderFPC bonderFlex cable bonder .FOG(FPC on glass )or FOB(FPC on PCB Board), FOF(FPC on FPC), also COF on Glass bonder, COF on PCB board bonder, COF on film bonder. It have Pulse Heating Bonder and Constant Temperature Bonder. Also it will be named wire bondingmachinethermal bonding machineheat bonding machine

FOG/FOB/FOF bonding machine

FPC/FOB/FOG/FOF bonder specifications:

  1. Model Number:FC006/FC007/FP008/FP009
  2. Product Name:Upper and Down Contraposition movable platform FPC Bonding Machine
  3. Suitable For:Suitable for alignment and press FPC to the LCD Panel glass or PCB or COF which attached ACF film
  4. Size Range:1~12 inch
  5. Attach Precision:±0.015mm
  6. Machine Capacity:6000pcs/day (12S/pc)
  7. Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1200W
  8. Air Supply:0.5~0.7MPa,dry air
  9. Platform Size:L90*W60 MM
  10. Platform Precision:±0.01MM
  11. Temp Range:1~350℃
  12. Time Range:1~99.9sec
  13. Product Size:W850*D800*H1460MM
  14. N.W:About200KG

*Constant temperature heating system/Pulse heating system
*Panasonic PLC Control system
*Human – Machine interface
*Automatic temperature alarm
*Press Head Level Adjustable Device
*Down Contraposition HD Colorful CCD and 10.4 inch HD LCD
*Manual / automatic switching
*Imported electrical configuration * apply for all the LCD,LED,ONCELL,OLED panels.

What is FPC?

FPC IS Flexible Printed Circuit,

Flexible print circuits (also variously referred to around the globe as flex circuits, flexible printed circuit boards, flex print, flexi-circuits) are members of electronic and interconnection family. They consist of a thin insulating polymer film having conductive circuit patterns affixed thereto and typically supplied with a thin polymer coating to protect the conductor circuits. The technology has been used for interconnecting electronic devices since the 1950s in one form or another. It is now one of the most important interconnection technologies in use for the manufacture of many of today’s most advanced electronic products.

In practice there are many different kinds of flexible circuits, including one metal layer, double sided, multilayer and rigid flex circuits. The circuits can be formed by etching metal foil cladding (normally of copper) from polymer bases, plating metal or printing of conductive inks among other processes. Flexible circuits may or may not have components attached. When components are attached, they are considered by some in the industry to be flexible electronic assemblies.

There are many advantages that come with using flexible circuit technology beyond the initial flex capabilities. Performance advantages, such as, dynamic flexing and increased heat dissipation allow engineers to design these circuits into applications where extreme temperatures and vibrations are common. Other advantages with using flexible circuits include less weight, increased package density, and a more integrated design.Flexible circuits can cost less than traditional assemblies because one flex assembly can replace several, single circuits.

Flex circuits also allow design engineers to utilize space three dimensionally which cuts down on the overall footprint of the circuit and saves space.

Applications of flexible circuits ranges in a variety of fields. Flexible circuits are used in cell phones, LCD televisions, antennas, and laptops. Flexible circuits have evolved and help provide durability and reliability. Flexible circuits are also used in the aviation field. Other applications of flexible circuits are in hearing aids, calculators, cameras, printers, and in satellites.

What is the FOG

FOG is a kind of use in the flat display industry, such as, LCD screen, electronic paper production process, using ACF conductive adhesive as the media through a certain temperature, pressure, time to FPC bonded on the glass.

FOG is the abbreviation FPC ON the GLASS, that is, FPC bonded ON the GLASS of a kind of process.

Shenzhen Olian design and make all kinds of FPC bonder. Welcome you visit us and OEM&OEM FPC/FOB/FOG/FOF bonding machine with us for your factory and your globe trade business.

LCD bonding machine
Servo FOB/FOG bonder, OL-FS003
FPC bonding machine
2 stations Up and down alignment FPC bonder, OL-F006
COF pre-bonder
Pulse heating Doul Stations FOG FOB FOF COF bonder, OL-FP003
FOG/COF bonder
Pulse Heating single station FOG/FOB/FOF/COF Bonder, OL-FDP006

Semi Automatic LCM produce line

LCD bonding machine
High speed produce line 7 sets bonders

Semi Automatic LCM Making produce include: ACF attaching bonder ,COG Bonder(COG pre-bonder, COG final-bonder ), FOG(FOB) bonder, as below:

ACF semi-auto Bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders

Full automatic FOG bonder

Full automatic FOG bonder, It include the ACF attaching on the glass, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing..

LCM full automatic produce machine

LCM full automatic bonder include all the process of the COG and FOG bonding : the LCD loading,LCD cleaning, IC loading, IC cleaning,ACF attaching on the glass, IC pre-bonding, IC bonding cheking, and IC main-bonding processes. then the ACF attaching for FPC, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing…

We design and make the standard FOG/COG/COF/ACF Bonders and customized FOG bonder for your personalized product requirements, also design and manufacture other automation equipment for your requirements, and welcome OEM&ODM machines.

All the FOG bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

FOG Bonder
FOG Bonder
Shenzhen Olian FOG bonder manufactory
COG Bonder

COG Bonder

COG Bonder/COF Bonder

COG bonder, also named COG (Chip on glass) machine,Chip ic bonding machine, COF(chip on film) bonder ,COG heat bonder, COG bonding machine, Chip IC heat press machine, Chip on glass bonding machine.It is widely used in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/camera/ and all the flat and edge screens. for produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

The COG machine may consist of HD Digital Microscope and control system, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process. The bonding press head may press the IC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time.

According to different LCD/LED/OLED and different screens, there are many ACF tapes models.  ACF tape is the import medium of the bonding process.

Shenzhen Olian is the professional COG bonder manufactury ,we are the LCM Equipment factory solution provider.

COG bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- COG bonder -China COG bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

COG Bonder/ COF Bonder

The machine has Pre-Bonder and Main-Bonder . They are all constant temperature machines. it maybe have single station bonder ,double stations , three stations, and maybe four stations bonder.

COG/COF Pre-Bonder


*Suitable for multi variety small batch production

*Constant temperature heating system

*Panasonic PLC Control system

*FAST Visual processing system

*Imported Japanese CCD Automatic Contraposition Configuration

*Manual / automatic switching

*Imported electrical configuration


COG Pre-Bonder /COF Pre-Bonder, OL-C003B
COG Bonder
COG Pre-Bonder, OL-C008

COG bonder

Model: OL-C003B/C005/C006

Product Name: Semi-Automatic Mid/High-speed COG/COF Pre-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~7 inch

Attach Precision: ±2.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 650pcs/H–1000pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1000W/1200W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 140*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 40*2MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~300℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

N.W: About 300KG/350KG

COG/COF Main-Bonder


*PID Control Constant Temp Heating System,Automatic temperature compensation to ensure that the temperature of hot pressing is stable.

*Panasonic PLC Control system.

*Use high precision low-friction cylinder control pressure to ensure the accuracy of pressure control.

*High steel structure set, dual ceramic indenter configuration, to ensure the stability of the equipment.

*Imported electrical configuration,

*For OLED high-end products,high quality,high successful rate。


OL-C006 Triple station semi-auto high speed COG Main-Bonder

Model: CM006

Product Name: 1-12 inch Triple Stations Semi-Automatic High-speed COG main-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~12 inch

Attach Precision: ±4.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 1100pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,2000W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 150*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 45*5MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~400℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

Product Size:L1025*W750*H1400 MM

N.W: About 350KG

LCD bonding machine
Servo COG/COF Final-Bonder , OL-C012
OL-C008 Double Stations Mid-speed Servo COG machine 

Model: OL-C008/OL-C012

Product Name: 1-12 inch Double Stations Semi-Automatic Mid-speed Servo COG main-bonding machine

Suitable For: Suitable for IC bonded to the LCD which attached ACF

Size Range: 1~12 inch

Attach Precision: ±4.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 600pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1200W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 150*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 45*5MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~400℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

Product Size:L640*W700*H1320MM

Full automatic COG bonder

Full automatic COG bonder, include all the glass loading/glass cleaning/IC Loading/ACF pre-attaching/COG pre-bonder/COG main-bonder /COG glass output.

full auto COG bonder
1~7inch Full Automatic COG bonder


*Constant temperature heating system

*Panasonic PLC Control system

*Human – Machine interface

*Imported electrical configuration

*High Precision contraposition system

*Include the glass loading,glass cleaning,IC loading,ACF pre-attaching,COG pre-bonding,COG main-bonding ,COG output processes,it is COG processes all in one machine.


Model: FAC001

Product Name: 1~7inch Full Automatic COG bonder

Suitable For: Suitable for IC Bonding to the LCD, ACF attach, IC preload and pre-bonding, main-bonding,output, completed in one machine.

Size Range: 1~7 inch

Attach Precision: ±2.5UM

IC Size: L:2~40mm,W:0.8~3mm

Machine Capacity: 1000pcs/H

Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,5000W

Air Supply: 0.5~0.7MPa,dry air

Platform Size: 150*100MM

Platform Precision: ±0.01MM

Pressure Head Size: 45*5MM Customizable

Temp Range: 1~300℃

Time Range: 1~99.9

Product Size: W1500*D2300*H1700MM

Semi Automatic LCM produce line

Semi Automatic LCM Making produce include: ACF attaching  ,COG pre-bonding, COG final-bonding , FOG(FOB) bonding, as below:

LCD bonding machine
High speed produce line 7 sets bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders

Full Automatic FOG bonder

Full automatic FOG bonder, It include the ACF attaching on the glass, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing..

LCM full automatic Bonder: ACF attaching/COG Bonding/FOG bonding

LCM full automatic bonder include all the process of the COG and FOG bonding : the LCD loading,LCD cleaning, IC loading, IC cleaning,ACF attaching on the glass, IC pre-bonding, IC bonding cheking, and IC main-bonding processes. then the ACF attaching for FPC, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing…

We design and make the standard COG/COF/ACF Bonders and customized ACF bonder for your personalized product requirements, also design and manufacture other automation equipment for your requirements, and welcome OEM&ODM machines.

COF bonder for TV Repairing,LCD bonder

COF bonder
COF bonder

COF bonder, also name TAB bonderACF bonderOLB Bonder Chip on Film bonder. COF(Chip on Film, Chip on Flex).COF bonder is widely used in the TV/laptop/pad panel, it is very popular in the TV/laptop repairing for the LCD/LED/OLED panel bonding. For TV or laptop panel repairing COF bonding machine, has COF on glass bonding and COF on PCB board bonding. The COF Bonder also can do COF on flex cable, COF on film bonding, and maybe IC on film bonding. Normal the COF bonder for TV Repairing is Pulse heating bonding machine with Titanium alloy press bonding head.

COF bonder for TV Repairing accessories

Our COF bonder and all the accessories list for TV/laptop panel repairing as below:

COF bonder

We also offer all the accessories: ACF tapes, ACF Remover, Blue glue, Acetone, Alcohol ,Customized bonding head, Quartz glass, Silicone tape, Teflon tape, Microscope, Air Compressor, COF cutter, Cleaning nanosponge, Cleaning clothes wiper, Ear buds, Pump bottles, T-bit, T-rubber, T-Iron, Magnifier lens, Allen key, Precision tweezers, Soldering Stations, Removing Wind Station Hot Air Gun, LEDS,LVDS cables, LCD Test Board, LCD/LED Tester.RT809H programmer, Open cell, Polarizer, Backlight ,T-Con Board, Main-board, IC, TAB COF IC and others.

Please contact us feel free to  purchase the COF bonder for TV Repairing accessories.

COF bonder
COF bonder and accessories

Welcome to buy the COF bonder for TV Repairing and all the COF bonder accessories.

COF Bonder for cellphone

COF bonders for full screen /edge screen/OLED screen mobilephone

COF bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – ACF attaching bonder

ACF bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Pre-bonder

COG bonder
cof bonder
cof bonder
COF Bonder
COF pre-bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Final-bonder

COG bonder

Welcome  you visit us if you do the  OLED edge screen/curved screen/full screen(Huawei Mate10,Mate 20,8X,OPPO/VIVO/MI/Samsung S6 S8 S9/Apple X MAX R etc.) repairing and produce business ,please contact us and test our COF bonder for cellphones.

ic bonder

All the ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/FOF/OLB/TAB/PCB/FPC/TCP/ bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

cog bonder
COG bonder
Shenzhen Olian ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/OLB/FOF/TAB/OGS/PCB/FPC bonder manufactory

Shenzhen Olian ACF/COG/COF/COB/FOG/FOB/OLB/FOF/TAB/OGS/PCB/FPC bonder manufactory. Welcome you to be our partner and dealers all over the world.


FOB Bonder

FOB Bonder,PCB Bonder

FOB bonder, it may press the FPC/COF/TCP onto the PCB Board using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time. (FPC/COF/TCP-on-PCB Board) ,

It also named PCB Bonder,FOB machine, FOB equipment, FOB heat bonder, FOB heat press machine, FOB device, FOB tool, FOB bonding machine, ACF bonder. It is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/ TV /Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/zebra paper/camera/…produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

FOB bonder
FOB bonder, FPC ON PCB bonder for phone,Touch panel…Laptop…

The FOB bonder (FPC-ON-PCB) is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to peoduce and repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.

The FOB bonder may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process.

Shenzhen Olian is a professional FOB bonder design and making manufactury which has over 10 years experience in LCM moduel making machines。

ACF bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- ACF bonder -China ACF bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

FOB Bonder,FPC Bonder,COF Bonder,PCB bonder

FOB bonder, also FPC bonderFlex cable bonder .PCB Bonder,FOF(FPC on FPC), COF on PCB board bonder, COF on film bonder. It have Pulse Heating Bonder and Constant Temperature Bonder. Also it will be named wire bondingmachinethermal bonding machineheat bonding machine

FPC/FOB/FOF/COF bonder specifications:

  1. Model Number:FC006/FC007/FP008/FP009
  2. Product Name:Upper and Down Contraposition movable platform FOB Bonding Machine
  3. Suitable For:Suitable for alignment and press FPC/COF to the LCD PCB or FPC which attached ACF film
  4. Size Range:1~12 inch
  5. Attach Precision:±0.015mm
  6. Machine Capacity:6000pcs/day (12S/pc)
  7. Power Supply: 220V±10%,50HZ,1200W
  8. Air Supply:0.5~0.7MPa,dry air
  9. Platform Size:L90*W60 MM
  10. Platform Precision:±0.01MM
  11. Temp Range:1~350℃
  12. Time Range:1~99.9sec
  13. Product Size:W850*D800*H1460MM
  14. N.W:About200KG

*Constant temperature heating system/Pulse heating system
*Panasonic PLC Control system
*Human – Machine interface
*Automatic temperature alarm
*Press Head Level Adjustable Device
*Down Contraposition HD Colorful CCD and 10.4~24 inch HD LCD
*Manual / automatic switching
*Imported electrical configuration * apply for all the LCD,LED,ONCELL,OLED panels.

What is the PCB ?

PCB means printed circuit board, printed circuit boards, PCB according to its application fields can be divided into single panel, double panel, four layer board above laminated panel and soft panel.In general, the more complex the function of electronic products, foot loop the longer the distance, contact number, the more PCB layer number is more, such as advanced consumer electronics, information and communication products, etc.;And soft board is mainly used in need around the bend products: such as notebook computer, camera, automobile instrument, etc.
PCB is an important electronic components, electronic components to support the body, the provider of the electrical connection in the electronic components.Since it is made of electronic printing, therefore is called “printed circuit board.

What is FPC?

FPC IS Flexible Printed Circuit,

Flexible print circuits (also variously referred to around the globe as flex circuits, flexible printed circuit boards, flex print, flexi-circuits) are members of electronic and interconnection family. They consist of a thin insulating polymer film having conductive circuit patterns affixed thereto and typically supplied with a thin polymer coating to protect the conductor circuits. The technology has been used for interconnecting electronic devices since the 1950s in one form or another. It is now one of the most important interconnection technologies in use for the manufacture of many of today’s most advanced electronic products.

In practice there are many different kinds of flexible circuits, including one metal layer, double sided, multilayer and rigid flex circuits. The circuits can be formed by etching metal foil cladding (normally of copper) from polymer bases, plating metal or printing of conductive inks among other processes. Flexible circuits may or may not have components attached. When components are attached, they are considered by some in the industry to be flexible electronic assemblies.

Advantages of FPC

There are many advantages that come with using flexible circuit technology beyond the initial flex capabilities. Performance advantages, such as, dynamic flexing and increased heat dissipation allow engineers to design these circuits into applications where extreme temperatures and vibrations are common. Other advantages with using flexible circuits include less weight, increased package density, and a more integrated design.Flexible circuits can cost less than traditional assemblies because one flex assembly can replace several, single circuits.

Flex circuits also allow design engineers to utilize space three dimensionally which cuts down on the overall footprint of the circuit and saves space.

Applications of FPC

Applications of flexible circuits ranges in a variety of fields. Flexible circuits are used in cell phones, LCD televisions, antennas, and laptops. Flexible circuits have evolved and help provide durability and reliability. Flexible circuits are also used in the aviation field. Other applications of flexible circuits are in hearing aids, calculators, cameras, printers, and in satellites.

Shenzhen Olian design and make all kinds of FOB bonder. Welcome you visit us and OEM&OEM FOB/FPC/FOF/COF bonding machine with us for your factory and your globe trade business.

FOB/PCB bonder,COF bonder for TV Panel

COF bonder
FOB bonder ,COF on PCB bonder for TV Panel

FOB/PCB/COF bonder for Cellphone

FOG bonder
Servo FOB/FOG bonder, OL-FS003
FOB bonder
2 stations Up and down alignment FOB/FOF/FOG bonder, OL-F006
FOB bonder
Pulse heating Doul Stations FOG FOF COF FOB bonder, OL-FP003
FOG/COF bonder
Pulse Heating single station FOG/FOF/COF/FOB Bonder, OL-FDP006

Semi Automatic LCM produce line

LCM machines
High speed produce line 7 sets bonders

Semi Automatic LCM Making produce include: ACF attaching bonder ,COG Bonder(COG pre-bonder, COG final-bonder ), FOG(FOB) bonder, as below:

ACF semi-auto Bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders

About ACF bonding、ACF Bonder

In the PCB /TAB/COG/COB/COF/FOG/FOB/ Bonding process, The ACF tape is the middle materials, so all the bonding proces also name ACF bonding,all the PCB /TAB/COG/COB/COF/FOG/FOB/ Bonders,are all ACF bonders。

ACF bonding

We design and make the standard FOB/FOG/COG/COF/ACF Bonders and customized FOB bonder for your personalized product requirements, also design and manufacture other automation equipment for your requirements, and welcome OEM&ODM machines.

All the  FPC/FOB/FOG/FOF/IC/COG/COF/ILB/TAB/TCP bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

FOG Bonder
LCM Machines
Shenzhen Olian FOB bonder manufactory
pulse heat bonding machine

ACF Bonder

ACF bonder

ACF bonder, also named ACF machine, ACF equipment, ACF heat bonder, ACF tape bonding machine, ACF film bonder, ACF heat press machine, ACF device, ACF tool, ACF bonding machine.It is the widely used machine in the LCD/LED/OLED, LCM/open cell/panel/screen/display , for Mobilephone/ TV /Watch/pad/notebook/touch panel/Ad Player/bank card/zebra paper/camera/…produce factories and repairing service shops all over the world.

The ACF bonder is based on the recent innovations as well as planned to peoduce and repair the arrangements of LCD, LED,OLED, TV/television, Laptop, Pad, Cell phone, Watch, Touch Panel, Ad Player, and all the flat and edge screens.

The ACF bonder may consist of HD Digital Microscope, and also has a Digital Pressure Gauge, and vacuum generator which may help to hold the panel during the bonding process. The bonding press head may press the IC/FPC/COF onto the Glass/PCB/FPC using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure and time.

According to different LCD/LED/OLED and different screens, there are many ACF tapes models.  ACF tape is the import medium of the bonding process.

ACF bonder manufactury
shenzhen olian- ACF bonder -China ACF bonders factory/ supplers/Provider

ACF bonder for mobilephone

According to the different bonding materials, the ACF bonder can be divided into different Bonders.

COG Bonder, COF Bonder

COG Pre-Bonder /COF Pre-Bonder, OL-C003B
COG Bonder
COG Pre-Bonder, OL-C008
LCD bonding machine
Servo COG/COF Final-Bonder , OL-C012
Servo COG main-bonder,OL-C008
COG final-bonder
COG final-bonder,OL-C006

COG/COF bonder, also name IC bonder, Chips bonder, COG(Chip on glass) bonder, COF(chip on film) bonder, it is bonding the Chip IC on the glass, using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure, time, driver IC will be bonded onto the glass. COG/COF bonder has COG/COF Pre-Bonder and COG/COF Final-Bonder(COG/COF Main bonder). They are all constant temperature machines. it maybe have single station ,double stations, three stations, and maybe four stations COG/COF bonder.

FOG Bonder,FOB Bonder,FOF Bonder,COF Bonder

LCD bonding machine
Servo FOB/FOG bonder, OL-FS003
FPC bonding machine
2 stations Up and down alignment FPC bonder, OL-F006
COF pre-bonder
Pulse heating Doul Stations FOG FOB FOF COF bonder, OL-FP003
FOG/COF bonder
Pulse Heating single station FOG/FOB/FOF/COF Bonder, OL-FDP006

FOG bonder, also name FOB bonderFPC bonderFlex cable bonder .FOG(FPC on glass )or FOB(FPC on PCB Board), FOF(FPC on FPC), also COF on Glass bonder, COF on PCB board bonder, COF on film bonder. It have Pulse Heating Bonder and Constant Temperature Bonder.

ACF attaching bonder

LCD bonding machine
ACF-Attaching-bonder OL-A003

ACF attaching bonder which is attaching the ACF tape on the Glass/Board/FPC/COF before bonding. it also name ACF machine, ACF attachment machine, ACF Attached machine , ACF bonding machine , ACF pre-paste , ACF equipment , ACF pre-paste machines , ACF pre- affixed equipment, ACF single station machine , ACF multi-station machines and so on.  The ACF attaching bonder,

Semi automatic LCM produce line

LCD bonding machine
High speed produce line 7 sets bonders

Semi Automatic LCM Making produce include: ACF attaching bonder ,COG pre-bonder, COG final-bonder , FOG(FOB) bonder, as below:

ACF semi-auto Bonders
ACF semi-auto Bonders

Full automatic COG bonder

full auto COG bonding machine

Full automatic COG bonder, it include the LCD cleaning, IC loading, ACF attaching on the glass, IC pre-bonding, and IC main-bonding processes.

Full automatic FOG bonder

Full automatic FOG bonder, It include the ACF attaching on the glass, FPC loading, FPC bonding on the glass and output to testing..

LCM full automatic produce machine

LCM full automatic produce line include all the process of the COG and FOG bonding.

We design and make the standard ACF Bonders and customized acf bonder for your personalized product requirements, also design and manufacture other automation equipment for your requirements, and welcome OEM&ODM machines.

COF bonder for TV Repairing,LCD bonder

COF bonder, also name TAB bonderACF bonderOLB Bonder Chip on Film bonder. COF(Chip on Film, Chip on Flex).COF bonder is widely used in the TV/laptop/pad panel, it is very popular in the TV/laptop repairing for the LCD/LED/OLED panel bonding. For TV or laptop panel repairing COF bonding machine, has COF on glass bonding and COF on PCB board bonding. The COF Bonder also can do COF on flex cable, COF on film bonding, and maybe IC on film bonding. Normal the COF bonder for TV Repairing is Pulse heating bonding machine with Titanium alloy press bonding head.

COF bonder for TV Repairing accessories

Our COF bonder and all the accessories list for TV/laptop panel repairing as below:

COF bonding machine

We also offer all the accessories: ACF tapes, ACF Remover, Blue glue, Acetone, Alcohol ,Customized bonding head, Quartz glass, Silicone tape, Teflon tape, Microscope, Air Compressor, COF cutter, Cleaning nanosponge, Cleaning clothes wiper, Ear buds, Pump bottles, T-bit, T-rubber, T-Iron, Magnifier lens, Allen key, Precision tweezers, Soldering Stations, Removing Wind Station Hot Air Gun, LEDS,LVDS cables, LCD Test Board, LCD/LED Tester.RT809H programmer, Open cell, Polarizer, Backlight ,T-Con Board, Main-board, IC, TAB COF IC and others.

Please contact us feel free to  purchase the COF bonding machine accessories.

Buy machine, send all the accessories free.

1COF bonding machine  
2ACF  AC-7206-18  1.5*50M  Glass side ACF胶带
3ACF AC-2056R-35  2.0*50M PCB side ACF胶带
4ACF Removing Liquid  G-450  1000ML ACF去除液 G450
5Acetone Liquid BT-H1-500ML  丙酮
6Hitachi Blue Glue  100ML 蓝色胶水
7Fuji Silicone  50M 硅胶皮
8Teflon  50M 铁氟龙
9Alcohol  酒精
10Heating Solder Iron 30W +T-Type Soldering Tips T型烙铁+硅胶条
11Removing Wind Station Hot Air Gun 825+Fan 除风站 热风枪
12Optical Microscope 显微镜
13TAB Cutter   COF切刀
14Correction table   校正表
15LVDS                     LVDS接头
16LCD Test Board   LCD测试板
17Allen Key 六角扳手
18Air Compressor  OTS550 空压机
19Static Wipe Cloth 静电擦拭布
20Cotton swabs 棉签
21Handheld Magnifier 手持放大镜
22Precision Tweezers 精密镊子
23Nano Sponge 纳米海绵
24quatz bar spare one 备用石英条
25Alcohol bottles 空酒精瓶
COF bonding machine accessories

COF bonding machine accessories

Welcome to buy the COF bonder for TV Repairing and all the COF bonding machine accessories.

COF Bonder for cellphone

COF bonders for full screen /edge screen/OLED screen mobilephone

COF Bonder for cellphoneACF attaching bonder


COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Pre-bonder

FPC bonding machine

COF pre-bonder

COF Bonder for cellphone – COF Final-bonder

ACF bonding machine|COF Bonding machine|TAB bonding machine|OLB bonding machine|PCB bonding machine|FPC bonding machine|COG bonding machine|FOG bonding machine|

Welcome  you visit us if you do the  OLED edge screen/curved screen/full screen(Huawei Mate10,Mate 20,8X,OPPO/VIVO/MI/Samsung S6 S8 S9/Apple X MAX R etc.) repairing and produce business ,please contact us and test our COF bonder for cellphones.


All the ACF bonders ,welcome you visit us-Shenzhen Olian(LCM Equipments factory solution provider/supplier/manufactury)

LCD Bonding machine
Shenzhen Olian ACF bonder manufactory
COG/COF Bonder

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine

COF screen / Flexible screen / Edge/Curved screen / OLED screen professional bonding machine factory – Shenzhen Olian

Now developed products: Huawei Mate10,Mate 20, 8X, Iphone X,8X, Samsung S8 S9 series etc.

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine Manual Series:Suit for produce and reparing, over 95-98% successful rate.

ACF Attaching machine+COF pre-bonding machine+COF finan-bonding machine

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine

ACF attaching machine

ACF attaching machine which is attaching the ACF tape on the Glass/Board/FPC/COF before bonding. it also name ACF machine, ACF attachment machine, ACF Attached machine , ACF bonding machine , ACF pre-paste , ACF equipment , ACF pre-paste machines , ACF pre- affixed equipment, ACF single station machine , ACF multi-station machines and so on.  The attaching machine, also can paste the Double-sided tape.


COF Pre-bonding machine

we use the FOG pulse heating bonding machine as the COF Pre-bonding machine. FOB bonding machineFPC bonding machineFlex cable bonding machine.FOG(FPC on glass )or FOB(FPC on PCB Board), FOF(FPC on FPC), also COF on Glass bonding, COF on board bonding, COF on film bonding. we have single station COF pre-bonding machine and double stations COF pre-bonding machine.

COF Final-Bonging machine

COF/COG final-bonding machine, COF/IC Final-Bonding machine, Chips bonding machine, COG(Chip on glass) bonding machine, it is bonding the Chip IC on the glass using ACF conductive adhesive as medium, by a certain temperature, pressure, time, driver IC/COF will be bonded onto the glass. They are all constant temperature machines. it maybe have single station ,double stations, three stations, and maybe four stations bonding machine.The COF bonding ,use this servo main-bonding machine.

COF Flexible Screen Bonding-Machine Semi-automatic bonding machine series(suit for produce,high success rate, high speed)

ACF attaching machine+COF pre-bonding machine+COF final-bonding machine+FOG bonding machine

ACF attaching machine


COF Pre-bonding machine

COF Final-bonding machine

FPC/FOG bonding machine

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine

Other auxiliary tools

Differential interference microscope+COF punching machine+Plasma cleaner machine+other

COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine
COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine
COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine
COF Flexible Screen Bonding Machine

About Olian

COF screen / Flexible screen / Edge/Curved screen / OLED screen professional bonding machine factory – shenzhen olian.

Shenzhen Olian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech production enterprise focusing on the R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of FPD flat panel display and 3C automation equipment automation equipment. Has won state-level high-tech enterprises and a number of research and development patents and copyrights.

At present, the company has nearly 50 professional R & D, production management, quality management, after-sales service professional team, the company has a precision CNC machine plus center (precision CNC, lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, two yuan and other production equipment), with product design To the overall manufacturing capacity of production and processing. Since its establishment, it has become a well-known LCM complete line automation equipment solution provider in the industry with its exquisite technology, high quality and efficient after-sales service.

Existing products mainly include: ACF attach series, Plasma terminal cleaning series, single and multilateral COG/COF bonding series, single-stage and single-sided multi-stage FOG/FOF bonding (constant/pulse) series, OGS/On Cell/In Cell hot press series, OLB bonding series, COF blanking all kinds of non-standard equipment and intelligent factory overall solutions.

Our company has the earliest domestic technical team to develop equipment in the field of FPD flat panel display. In order to make technology always innovate and break through, we have established long-term special cooperation with Zhejiang University Shenzhen Research Institute, and have developed and achieved breakthrough results in a number of key technologies. At present, the company’s products are mainly used in multiple fields such as full screen, OLED, LCM, and BLU.

Our Customers

Now with Skyworth Group, Dijing Optoelectronics, Chongqing Zhongguang, Shenzhen Guoxian, Tianshan Microelectronics, Lide Communications, China Optoelectronics Technology, Yashi Optoelectronics, Zhongshan Guoxintong, Tuojia Optoelectronics, Kesen Optoelectronics, Wentai, Dejing More than 200 well-known companies at home and abroad, such as Freda and Guanghong, have established long-term friendly cooperative relations.

Products cover more than 20 provinces and cities in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Chongqing and other countries.

Our aim is “quality first, technological innovation”. We advocate the management policy of “integrity management, seeking truth from facts, mutual benefit and common development”. We are constantly pursuing perfection and striving to do better. Determined to become a representative company in the industry!